Moments in #arttherapy. #youthatrisk #empowerment


Creative arts therapies provide appropriate verbal and nonverbal means of self-expression as alternatives to maladaptive ones. [source]


6 Degrees of Creativity is a 6 month on-line workshop opening October 10, 2011 and running until March 1, 2012 that will include 6 different workshops, offered by a group of 6 inspiring instructors from the art therapy community to explore hands-on concepts, techniques, and ideas related to themes about transformation, social change, collaboration, and using art for good.

Young women transitioning, using art to heal. #arttherapy #youthatrisk

I am honored to be witness to powerful transitions occurring in the lives of the young women I work with.  It is a heavy week for many, and they are lifting themselves out of the hell of abuse, parental neglect, poverty, housing crises and anxiety by using self-advocacy skills.  I can see them gathering their resources and support, allowing their masks to drop.  Through it all, they use art (both at home and at school) to nourish themselves and deal with extreme stress.  Here are some examples of that art work:

Art heals by changing a person’s physiology and attitude. It takes you ‘away’ to some other place… Barbara Timberman